A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Monday, May 29, 2006

What happened to 70 degrees

Today the temperatures reached the 90s. That is way to hot, had to bust out the A/C. Baby was melting last night. So I hope she does better tonight. Well It is to hot to think I will come back tomorrow when baby is not making wake up noises and my brains are not scrambled. Goodnight.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Woo hoo 70 degrees

So today the temperature broke 70 degrees today. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Hopefully the weather will stay nicer now. But there is one thing I dislike about warm weather. A lot of people who have no business doing so remove a lot more clothing than is necesarry. I do not have a figure for short shorts or tight shorts. So guess what I tend not to where them. If you are 500 pounds don't where daisy dukes. So enough of that. The baby is doing much better today as is my niece. She just cried for a moment but appears to have gone back to sleep, at least for a moment. Now that everyone is getting better and the weather is nicer it is time for birthday BBQs. This week is my dad and my brother-in law. A girl I work with quit with no notice which means hours are gonna change. I don't think mine did much but Steve's have, but hey hours are hours when you have a baby and bills. I was going to talk about something else but my brain deleted it. I'm sure it may come back again some day. It not it was probably not a family friendly topic so it would have been censored anyway. So I must be off to rid the world of injustice and dirty bottles and other super hero type things. Goodnight

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Here I am

It's me! I finally got 30 seconds when I am not holding a baby or trying to do something important in a tiny window of oportunity. The baby is almost sleeping through the night again. No more power puking or toxic waste diapers. Here's crossing our fingers that I don't get it. I am pretty run down and appear to be having a flare up, so the last thing I need is the stomach flu. It looked like my niece had it this morning. That poor child seems to be a stomach bug magnet. I hope it was just a touch and she is doing better. My baby is acting human again, well baby human. She is still a little clingy and sleeps a lot (usually in my arms). I am still exhausted by I am doing ok. I broke down and made myself a tofutti and soy milk shake (chocolate). Its not as gross as it sounds I swear. Yes. Take it from the woman who hasn't been able to have dairy products for about 12 years (allergies). I don't even remember what the stuff tastes like. So I have know idea what I am missing. I am sitting aroung waiting for steve to get out of work. Big fun. I probably won't stay up to late because tomorrow is wednesday and I get Anthony. I am still not up to full strength and I may be getting sick, so I want to be in as good shape as possible. Well good night all.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I almost found sleep

Sleep. That mythical creature I have been hunting and hearing about for days. I actually got a litte last night. Baby is a bit better, not puking today, but stillfeelin crummy. I can't wait til she is better. I hate to see her miserable, and a couple hours sleep would be nice. I am really sore and not functioning well. If things are still bad in babyland tomorrow I will call the doctor. It is probably just a virus, but I am mom I get worried. Well just posting an update, I should sleep while I can. Wish me luck. Goodnight folks.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


So, last night I logged off, got something to eat, got ready for bed and on the baby monitor I heard the sounds of an unhappy 8 month old throwing up. Oh yes, and she wanted no one but mommy. Mom makes everything better. So I have been up for a very long time (I think I got maybe 3 hours sleep last night.) I feel horrible. I had to call out of work due to the combination of no sleep, being in pain and possibly being in the early stages of whatever she has. It looks like it may be another long night. I just popped on to complain for a moment. I am going to try and catch a few winks between pouring pedialyte and getting screamed at. I have to go to work tomorrow and I will not function on no sleep. Good night

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

doctors and more doctors

So I got to go to the MS clinic and talk to yet another doctor. If I decide to go with them I will be more likely to get into studies or more help with prescpriptions. I just want to get into some kind of treatment asap. There is a new study with the MS clinic that if I qualify all my meds and MRIs and even parking will be covered by the government as long as the study is going on. That would be a great big help. MS drugs are expensive. He gave us a lot of info on the various medications and treatments. All of the treatments at this point are by injection. It is a good thing I don't mind needles, I have dealt with too many of them in my medical history to be bothered. I am doing research and developing an extensive pen collection. I see the other doctor on june 6th and then we will make more decisions. I am kind of hoping the study thing works out. It would really help. But baby was mad because we didn't take her with us so I came home, spent a little time with her, then went to work. Work sucked because I was tired and sore, but other than that it was ok. Once I get into regular treatment I hope life settles down a little, a study will make things hectic but hey a bit of excitement is always good. Well I am tired and hungry and I am sure my little friend will wake up at least once before I get to sleep. So I must prepare to be supermommy and all. goodnight folks.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am still around

Guess what? It's me! I haven't been on in a couple of days so I thought I should pop on and let the few that keep up with me know I am still alive. It has just been a very hectic last couple of days. Also I just haven't felt like myself for a few days. Maybe it is just the being busy. I am also pretty tired, baby is teething again. I have really overdone it the past 4 or 5 days. I am not getting used to the fact that my limitations are real and backed up by doctors now, so I shouldn't push myself past my limit quite as often as I have in the past. One of these days I have to dig through the fog and formulate my thoughts and discuss and research this disease. I have only known about it for a few weeks. But maybe the not saying what it is makes it not as real. So this is the safe place where I don't have to face it. But most people know it from reading wanderer' s blog anyway. Fine, about a month and a half ago I had a killer migraine for a couple of weeks. Then I went blind in my right eye. So I went to the eye doctor. He sent me to a neuro-opthalmologist. I was diagnosed with optic neuritis. 40% of people who get optic neuritis either have or get MS. So the doctor sent me to get an MRI. It turns out I do have MS. I thought gee that explains a lot. The doc says that with treatment I can live a full life for a long time. So why let it get me down. Me having MS isn't going to make Ms emily stop needing me to be super mom. So I will be as super as I can for as long as I can. Life has not changed. I am still the same person I was before I found out. I still get up early, get up in the middle of the night, crawl around trying to figure out where the animal cracker she just had went. I am mom, she still looks at me with adoration when I pick her up and screams at me when she feels like it. This morning I got up to take my shower before work and Em stayed with her dad on the bed. I came back and she was kicking him in the head. He says they went 12 rounds and she was the victor. Anthony learned a new trick. He can take off his pants, he does it all the time now. He was running around in a shirt a diaper and one sock today. It was a bold statement. Well I am sore tired and hungry so I better do something about these things while baby is sleeping. I also have to wash my super mom costume. So,night folks.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What a zoo

So today the baby was nice. She slept all the way through the night and didn't wake up til 08:15. I was impressed, I got almost 8 hours of sleep. That hasn't happend in quite a while. So we went downstairs ans ate breakfast, then baby ate part of my breakfast. We were waiting for my mom to come get us to go to the zoo. When she finally showed up she had Anthony and my niece Alexa with her. So we wedged the third carseat into the back seat and crammed strollers into the trunk and were on our way. We got to the zoo and founf out admission is now $8, but mom bought a membership so we can get in for the rest of the year. The baby's were excited by everything, they weren't sure what they were looking for or at but it was good. Mom really needs a double stroller, because the pushing on stroller dragging the other behind you thing gets old fast. We saw some animals and had a good time Anthony kept pointing and asking "what is it?". Emily fell asleep in the monkey house. They are builing more exhibits onto the zoo, probably so they can charge more. But it was a nice walk and a good time. All the babys even made it out with all their shoes, hats, etc.
Well then I had ro feed baby and get ready to drop her back off to mom so I could go to work. My ride cam to get us and we dropped off the baby. My grandfather usually takes me to work because I can't drive, so we went to mom's house and as soon as grandpa walked in my sisters baby started to cry. Every time my neice see's my grandparent she cries for some reason. So we dropped off baby and I went to work which was work. The chairs at work are horrible. They should all be retired but that won't happen. Oh well, I can stand some back pain. Today it was pretty bad pain wise but I had expected it. It was a three pain killer day. Tomorrow I get to go for MRI results, that will be big fun. Part of me wants to know part of me doesnt. But tomorrow I also get to watch Anthony, and maybe pick up baby pictures. Emily is upstairs sleeping already. She was asleep when mom came to pick me up. So she is still in her clothes. I wasn't going to wake her up. Well I should drsg my Super exhausted body to bed before super baby waked up super mom.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Super long Friday

So, I was up early with the baby (big surprise). I took her downstairs and fed her (oatmeal everywhere), she has a high chair now. For the moment it is a really cool thing to her. But before to long she will complain fidget and try to escape, like all babies eventually do. We also got a walker, but I hsaven't see it yet (still in the box). So I am watching a movie and holding sleeping baby, when my in-laws woke up and came downstairs so we could go shopping. We went to the Walmart, because baby needed diapers and shoes. I spent a lot of money. Then we went to Wegmans for the few things you can't get at Walmart like soy cheese and teething biscuits. So this took hours. There was no room at all in the car (almost not enough room for us). So it was after 13:00 when we got back. I had to be to work at 16:00 so I had to feed baby, put away groceries, take a shower, pack up the baby for going to the sitter and still find time in there to eat lunch. My last day off was last wed. I think. My next day off is Sunday. Thanks to drs appts and MRIs I have lots of days off next week. Baby will love it. So I was finally ready for work, had baby all together and got her into the car. When she got to my parent's house all the other babies were there and yelling. She didn't even yell when I left. I think she was too fascinated by the noise. So I got to work dealt with all that fun and here I am. I should get food, take pain killers and go to bed while baby is sleeping. Will I? Probably not. I might do part of it, I am starving. I should probably try to do the sleep thing as well. I have to be at work at 09:30. So I will drag my super mom self off to check out food and try to sleep. Night folks.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A short walk

So I didn't have to watch Anthony this morning, because I had to be at work at 07:30. This being an hour befor he usually shows up made the whole babysitting thing kind of impossible. So I was up at 05:30 (Yay!). Baby didn't wake up with my wake up call (a miracle). She didn't even wake up when I had to go throw my husband out of bed because he had to work at the same time I did. So I got to take my shower and eat breakfast by myself(this doesn't happen often). So I get to work, I have enough money for a coke, and I am a little early. The day started out well in my books. Hey I woke up, that is a good start in my books as well. I sat in the primary alarm position, we were busy enough to keep me awake. After about an hour though things went a little sour. My left arm (baby holding arm) went numb. It had done this last night as well. Then it started doing this new trick it learned, it un-numbed then it siezed, then it started cramping and spasming. Imagine typing job when your fingers are twitching. My words per minute when down the tubes today, because I had to keep correcting my mistakes. And it was bad because it hurt, and muscle relaxants and work are not the best of friends. But it only lasted for about 20 minutes then I was fine again. So I didn't tell anyone. That was about as exciting as work got. Then I went home to find a surprise. My in-laws had picked up a high chair for the baby. Well Ms Emily (this is the baby) thought this was the coolest thing in the world. She doesn't have to eat in the swing anymore and she is taller in the high chair. I am going to try and get a walker this week as well, she loves Anthony's so much, even though she has onlt figured out backwards so far. So then I decided to go for a walk and me and Emily wound up at my parent's house. My dad had to take my sister to work and pick up my mom at work, so I wound up watching ny sister's baby as well as Emily. But at least Dad took Anthony so I didn't have all 3. I fed the girls while he was getting Mom. They were both covered in cereal and sweet potatoes. Then after Mom ate dinner we went for a walk. It was going to be a short walk then they would walk me home. In my family short walk equals between 2 and 5 miles generally. It was invigorating. Emily was asleep after about a block. I hurt all over but I feel pretty good. Well I have to get up at 06:00 because I am working in the am again, so I should wrap this up. This supermom is ready to hang up her cape until another day.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Just popping in

I was checking my mail. So I figured I would pop in here for a minute, seeing as I couldn't yesterday. I won't say to much though, because I have to be up at 05:30 to get ready for the stupid work shift from hell. I babysat Anthony today, that was 30 pounds of hyperactive baby fun. Combine him with my baby and it was 47 pounds of hyperactive fun. Yay. Then I got to go to work. That was grand as well. Then I got home and baby did not want to go to sleep. All I wanted was some warm food and a couple of pain killers, but no. Well I won that fight. With my supermom powers I tired her out gave her a warm bottle and she fell asleep. Hopefully she will stay that way for a while. I know wishful thinking. Well I am going to eat and try to grt some sleep. Tomorrow morning will come way to fast for this super tired and sore mom.

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