A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A short walk

So I didn't have to watch Anthony this morning, because I had to be at work at 07:30. This being an hour befor he usually shows up made the whole babysitting thing kind of impossible. So I was up at 05:30 (Yay!). Baby didn't wake up with my wake up call (a miracle). She didn't even wake up when I had to go throw my husband out of bed because he had to work at the same time I did. So I got to take my shower and eat breakfast by myself(this doesn't happen often). So I get to work, I have enough money for a coke, and I am a little early. The day started out well in my books. Hey I woke up, that is a good start in my books as well. I sat in the primary alarm position, we were busy enough to keep me awake. After about an hour though things went a little sour. My left arm (baby holding arm) went numb. It had done this last night as well. Then it started doing this new trick it learned, it un-numbed then it siezed, then it started cramping and spasming. Imagine typing job when your fingers are twitching. My words per minute when down the tubes today, because I had to keep correcting my mistakes. And it was bad because it hurt, and muscle relaxants and work are not the best of friends. But it only lasted for about 20 minutes then I was fine again. So I didn't tell anyone. That was about as exciting as work got. Then I went home to find a surprise. My in-laws had picked up a high chair for the baby. Well Ms Emily (this is the baby) thought this was the coolest thing in the world. She doesn't have to eat in the swing anymore and she is taller in the high chair. I am going to try and get a walker this week as well, she loves Anthony's so much, even though she has onlt figured out backwards so far. So then I decided to go for a walk and me and Emily wound up at my parent's house. My dad had to take my sister to work and pick up my mom at work, so I wound up watching ny sister's baby as well as Emily. But at least Dad took Anthony so I didn't have all 3. I fed the girls while he was getting Mom. They were both covered in cereal and sweet potatoes. Then after Mom ate dinner we went for a walk. It was going to be a short walk then they would walk me home. In my family short walk equals between 2 and 5 miles generally. It was invigorating. Emily was asleep after about a block. I hurt all over but I feel pretty good. Well I have to get up at 06:00 because I am working in the am again, so I should wrap this up. This supermom is ready to hang up her cape until another day.


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