A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What a zoo

So today the baby was nice. She slept all the way through the night and didn't wake up til 08:15. I was impressed, I got almost 8 hours of sleep. That hasn't happend in quite a while. So we went downstairs ans ate breakfast, then baby ate part of my breakfast. We were waiting for my mom to come get us to go to the zoo. When she finally showed up she had Anthony and my niece Alexa with her. So we wedged the third carseat into the back seat and crammed strollers into the trunk and were on our way. We got to the zoo and founf out admission is now $8, but mom bought a membership so we can get in for the rest of the year. The baby's were excited by everything, they weren't sure what they were looking for or at but it was good. Mom really needs a double stroller, because the pushing on stroller dragging the other behind you thing gets old fast. We saw some animals and had a good time Anthony kept pointing and asking "what is it?". Emily fell asleep in the monkey house. They are builing more exhibits onto the zoo, probably so they can charge more. But it was a nice walk and a good time. All the babys even made it out with all their shoes, hats, etc.
Well then I had ro feed baby and get ready to drop her back off to mom so I could go to work. My ride cam to get us and we dropped off the baby. My grandfather usually takes me to work because I can't drive, so we went to mom's house and as soon as grandpa walked in my sisters baby started to cry. Every time my neice see's my grandparent she cries for some reason. So we dropped off baby and I went to work which was work. The chairs at work are horrible. They should all be retired but that won't happen. Oh well, I can stand some back pain. Today it was pretty bad pain wise but I had expected it. It was a three pain killer day. Tomorrow I get to go for MRI results, that will be big fun. Part of me wants to know part of me doesnt. But tomorrow I also get to watch Anthony, and maybe pick up baby pictures. Emily is upstairs sleeping already. She was asleep when mom came to pick me up. So she is still in her clothes. I wasn't going to wake her up. Well I should drsg my Super exhausted body to bed before super baby waked up super mom.


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