A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am still around

Guess what? It's me! I haven't been on in a couple of days so I thought I should pop on and let the few that keep up with me know I am still alive. It has just been a very hectic last couple of days. Also I just haven't felt like myself for a few days. Maybe it is just the being busy. I am also pretty tired, baby is teething again. I have really overdone it the past 4 or 5 days. I am not getting used to the fact that my limitations are real and backed up by doctors now, so I shouldn't push myself past my limit quite as often as I have in the past. One of these days I have to dig through the fog and formulate my thoughts and discuss and research this disease. I have only known about it for a few weeks. But maybe the not saying what it is makes it not as real. So this is the safe place where I don't have to face it. But most people know it from reading wanderer' s blog anyway. Fine, about a month and a half ago I had a killer migraine for a couple of weeks. Then I went blind in my right eye. So I went to the eye doctor. He sent me to a neuro-opthalmologist. I was diagnosed with optic neuritis. 40% of people who get optic neuritis either have or get MS. So the doctor sent me to get an MRI. It turns out I do have MS. I thought gee that explains a lot. The doc says that with treatment I can live a full life for a long time. So why let it get me down. Me having MS isn't going to make Ms emily stop needing me to be super mom. So I will be as super as I can for as long as I can. Life has not changed. I am still the same person I was before I found out. I still get up early, get up in the middle of the night, crawl around trying to figure out where the animal cracker she just had went. I am mom, she still looks at me with adoration when I pick her up and screams at me when she feels like it. This morning I got up to take my shower before work and Em stayed with her dad on the bed. I came back and she was kicking him in the head. He says they went 12 rounds and she was the victor. Anthony learned a new trick. He can take off his pants, he does it all the time now. He was running around in a shirt a diaper and one sock today. It was a bold statement. Well I am sore tired and hungry so I better do something about these things while baby is sleeping. I also have to wash my super mom costume. So,night folks.


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