A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Saturday, March 07, 2009

I'm not dead yet!

I can't wait for summer. I am sick of snow and cold. I want to here my daughter and her cousins playing in the pool and the sandbox. I want to be able to hear the neighborhood kids outside playing in the sun.
Last year the neighborhood boys found a bees nest. they spent most of the summer doing as any group of 8-14ish boys would do. They would sneak up on it and throw things at is and run screaming down our driveway. This went on for weeks. It was very entertaining. I would sit there and remember being young and goofy. Thinking of the fact that summer used to mean freedom and fun. Not just another day to work. I want my daughter to be able to enjoy summer and have fun with her friends, learn to ride her bike and have a great time. Then I think of fall and the possiblity of pre-school looming in the future and I think wow is she really that old. I think she is growing up to fast. But that is all part of being a mom. Your children grow up to fast and you sit there thinking "wow you can't be that old, what happened?".

But I will try to enjoy every day of her being young and I will be there for her as she grows. I may only work my job part time. But momhood is a 24/7 job that never ends. She could be 50 and I would still worry about her. Such is a mom's life.


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