A Mom's Life (Or something close to it)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Formula for disaster

So, I was worried that we wouldn't have enough formula to last us until Thursday (payday). But by some miracle and the baby deciding that she wanted to drink water a lot this week we made it. Not by much, but hey it all worked out. We ha a slight disaster Sunday that created the formula scenario. We went to my Mom's house on Sunday for dinner. I have a small travel size can of formula for the diaper bag. I filled it before we left. Anthony, the 14 month old I watch who stays at my parent's house a lot recently figured out how to open zippers. He also like to open cans. So he opened the diaper bag, opened the formula can and was founf wearing and chewing a mouthful of formula. I told him he should steer clear of that white powder, it would lead to no good. But did that stop him. No. So he went to baby prison. Possesion got him 10-20 minutes. He repented and went back to milk. Then he went outside and walkedhis little I just started walking bow legged strut up and down the sidewalk. So beware young ones who can open zippers. I must go my baby is waking up and I am tired and hope I can get her back down soon. Such is the life of a super sleepy mom.


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